Tuesday, September 1, 2009

PC vs MAC (The way I see it)

You may or may not be familiar with the constant debate between fans of the Windows based PC and the Macintosh based MAC. Both believe that their computers are the best. Personally I am a PC guy. Why you ask? Because I am one of those people that wants to have a computer that is much more powerful than what I really need. Also I want to customize the hardware specs of my computer so that there may not be another one just like it out there. (Well... there probably is another with the same stuff in it but not that many.) When you go to buy a MAC desktop, they will show you eight options, no more, no less. Eight options total, you can go to any Bestbuy and find 15 to 20 different PC computers, then go to Walmart and find 5 to 10 more. If you go to the gateway or dell website, they will let you customize your PC. This gives you 100's of different combination's. The absolute floor price for a MAC desktop is $600, which is not but until you consider you get a 2.0Ghz Core2 Duo (Not too bad), but only 1gb of RAM and a 120gb hard drive. That is somewhat pricey for what you are getting but not too bad. For a long time you could not get a Quad Core Mac, it just was not available, but just recently Apple released the Mac Pro. The cheaper model is a Quad Core Xeon box with 3 gb of RAM, its CPU runs at 2.6 Ghz. I'll admit that is quite an impressive machine until you consider it costs $2500. My computer is a PC that I built, it has an Intel Core2 Quad running at 2.5 ghz and 4GB of RAM, and it only cost me about $900 and that was roughly one year ago. That is a huge difference. I don't know why the MAC people persist to say that MAC's are better when performance wise they are not and price wise the certainly are not. I'll admit they are pretty cool with the MAC OSX but it is just not worth the price, not to me at least.

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